Every dog should have some sort of training to help correct poor behaviors and to adapt to their new living environment. These tips should help you train your dog.

Just because your dog is obeying you, do not assume that they are done learning. Your dog is always learning. Never stop reinforcing good behavior. This is especially important if you move. A new surrounding can be very distracting for a dog. You might have to reteach them a great deal.

Digging can be a troublesome behavior with some dogs. One way to address this is to create an area where your dog is allowed to dig. Hide some of his favorite toys in the area, bury dog treats, and encourage him to spend time there. This can keep your dog out of your favorite garden and help him to enjoy your yard.

Never leave a tied dog unattended for long lengths of time. Even the best trained dog can become excited and active enough that they snarl up their chain or rope around and around itself or another object. If you don't catch this in time your dog could actually twist his collar tight enough that he suffocates.

Socialization skills are an important part of a well-rounded training program for any canine companion. Learning to get along with adults, children and other pets makes for a happy dog that is welcome in his surroundings. Socializing your dog is easy and can be incorporated into your daily activities. An evening dog walk, trip to the park or visit to the pet store can provide a great opportunity to expose your dog to short interactions with neighbors and their pets, while getting much needed exercise and bonding time with you.

Puppies respond best to positive reinforcement during training. You should assure that during training your puppy can not get into trouble. If you have to scold your puppy while training him, he may relate the training to being a negative experience and not be as excited as he should be about his training.

After your dog training session is completed, finish with a command that you know your dog already can do. This allows your dog's subconscious to remember that it has completed the days training, and can also help your animal to retain the information it has learned from the training session. It also will help maintain the routine.

When choosing a new dog for your household, it is a good idea to do some research on different breeds of dogs. This will help you find some that are suited for you and your lifestyle so the dog can be a part of your family for many years to come.

Spend time each day training your dog, even if for only a few minutes a day. Dogs respond well when they get to practice what they are learning and what they have learned. Practicing at least 15 minutes a day on commands your dog already knows keeps the dog in practice.

If you wish your dog to respond to commands such as 'sit', you should spend up to ten minutes every day positioning your dog in the right position and repeating the command. Your dog will associate the word with the action of sitting. Be patient and reward your dog every time it obeys the command.

Calling your dog over to you then punishing him will teach him to fear you. Telling him he was bad or did wrong from a few feet away will definitely get your point across and the dog will understand your meaning without feeling threatened by you. Keep in mind the dog wants your approval and that alone will motivate him to do well.

One tip to keep in mind when training your dog is that you are also essentially testing yourself. This is important to keep in mind because if you lose your patience or get frustrated, then either you need to rethink your strategy or find someone else to take over the training.

A great way to potty-train your puppy is to crate-train it. A dog won't potty where it sleeps, so keep the puppy in his crate and let him out for a potty break at regular intervals and he will go. Eventually, your pup will learn that bathroom time is outdoor time. This type of training also prevents a lot of accidents.

It's maddening to come home to a house full of chewed up couch cushions and tipped over waste baskets! If you have to leave your pooch alone all day, he can become bored and lonely. Try exercising him more in the morning and at night when you get home. You may even consider a pet walker to walk him during the day if finances allow. You can sometimes train your dog to stop destructive behavior just by tiring him out!

Research how to show your dog leadership in a way that a dog understands. Dogs are not humans, and do not think as humans do. Not knowing the proper way to teach leadership to a dog, allows him to assume he is your leader. If you confuse the dog, it may stress him and cause him to act out in negative ways such as barking incessantly, biting, or tearing up your property.

Time your rewards properly. Timing is crucial when training a dog. Dogs have very short attention spans, and waiting too long to reward a good behavior or punish a bad one will end up doing more harm than good. For example, when training a dog to "quiet" when barking, rewarding too soon after the barking will serve to reinforce the barking instead of the stopping. When you give the "quiet" command, wait a second or two, and then treat and praise " ensuring your dog knows that it is the calm behavior that is being rewarded.

Dogs that have received no training are likely to destroy your possessions and try your patience. Using the advice of this article, you should now be prepared to train your dog better skills.

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